Professor Shelby Blythe named 2020 Pew Scholar in the Biomedical Sciences

photo of shelby blythe

Shelby Blythe, professor of molecular biosciences in Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences, was named a 2020 Pew Scholar in the Biomedical Sciences by the Pew Charitable Trusts.

Professor Blythe is one of 22 scholars selected to receive $300,000 over the course of four years for research. During this time scholars are given no restrictions and encouraged to take calculated risks, expand research, and explore leads.

Blythe will study the genome at the beginning of embryonic development and expand his lab to offer opportunities to other young researchers.

“Support from Pew at this stage in my career is really encouraging,” said Professor Shelby Blythe. “It will allow me to take on riskier projects and be more creative in the way that I approach challenges in my research. Some of my science heroes also were Pew Scholars, so it is a huge honor to be invited to join their ranks.”

Learn more about Blythe’s research on his lab’s website.

Shelby Blythe honored by Pew Charitable Trusts – Northwestern Now