Professor Sera Young’s research selected as Paper of the Month by The Nutrition Society

Nutrition GraphicProfessor Young found that food insecurity is linked to mental health.

Anthropology Professor Sera Young’s research on food insecurity and women’s mental health was named the Paper of the Month by The Nutrition Society.

Sera Young

Sera Young

Young and a team of researchers carried out a nutrition-sensitive agroecology intervention called the Singida Nutrition and Agroecology Project (SNAP-Tz), which was designed to improve children’s health. They found that the intervention lowered the odds of probable maternal depression by 43%, and that reductions in food insecurity accounted for almost 10% of the decrease in odds for probable depression overall.

These findings are the first interventional evidence that proves reducing food insecurity can improve women’s mental health, which contributes to a growing understanding of the link between mental health and food security interventions.

Read more about the study here. Read the full paper here.