
Interpretation of Neurons

Synthetic Neurons Open the Door for More Intelligent Robots

An interdisciplinary collaboration between Northwestern University and Georgia Tech has created a novel high-performance organic electrochemical neuron that responds within the frequency range of human neurons. The researchers also built a complete perception system by designing other organic materials and …

evolution with microbial banner flowing across

The Secret to Our Big Brains Might Be In Our Gut

Microbes supporting the production of more metabolic energy could be key to the evolution of large brains

Brain tissue is among the most energetically costly in the body. As a result, larger-brained mammals require more energy to support brain growth

Microscopy image of a dopamine neuron subtype that displays activity correlated to locomotion but no response to rewards. Image by Maite Azcorra and Zachary Gaertner

Dopamine controls movement, not just rewards

New study finds dopamine neurons are more diverse than previously thought

In a new Northwestern University-led study, researchers identified and recorded from three genetic subtypes of dopamine neurons in the midbrain region of a mouse model.

Although there is a …