Daniel Dombeck

Microscopy image of a dopamine neuron subtype that displays activity correlated to locomotion but no response to rewards. Image by Maite Azcorra and Zachary Gaertner

Dopamine controls movement, not just rewards

New study finds dopamine neurons are more diverse than previously thought

In a new Northwestern University-led study, researchers identified and recorded from three genetic subtypes of dopamine neurons in the midbrain region of a mouse model.

Although there is a …

illustration of neurons

$8.9 million awarded for three-year study “Redefining Parkinson’s disease pathophysiology mechanisms in the context of heterogeneous substantia nigra neuron subtypes.” 

The ASAP Collaborative Research Network, a program of the Aligning Science Across Parkinson’s (ASAP) initiative being implemented through The Michael J. Fox Foundation, has awarded $8.9 million for the three-year study, “Redefining Parkinson’s disease pathophysiology mechanisms in the context of